Did Mary Leakey Find Lucy?
Did Mary Leakey find Lucy? While Mary Leakey made groundbreaking discoveries in Olduvai Gorge, the famous fossil known as “Lucy” was not among them. Lucy, a 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis, was discovered in 1974 by Donald Johanson in the Afar region of Ethiopia.
Mary Leakey’s work, however, focused on earlier hominins such as Paranthropus boisei and Homo habilis, both of which were found at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. These discoveries were equally significant, as they revealed critical insights into the evolutionary path leading to modern humans. Her meticulous methods in excavation set the gold standard for future archaeological research.
Although Mary Leakey and Lucy are not directly connected, both played pivotal roles in advancing our understanding of human origins. Visitors to Olduvai Gorge can still learn about Leakey’s remarkable contributions through museum exhibits and guided tours.
Explore the fascinating history of Olduvai Gorge: What Is the History of Olduvai Gorge?