How Old Was the Skull Found by the Leakeys?
How old was the skull found by the Leakeys in Olduvai Gorge? One of their most famous discoveries, the skull of Paranthropus boisei, is estimated to be around 1.8 million years old. Found by Mary Leakey in 1959, this robust hominin fossil provided a deeper understanding of early human relatives and their diets.
In addition to Paranthropus boisei, the Leakeys also uncovered the remains of Homo habilis in 1960. The skull fragments of Homo habilis, which date back approximately 1.75 million years, marked a significant milestone in understanding the evolution of the human genus. These fossils revealed evidence of tool-making behavior, showcasing cognitive and technological advancements.
Both skulls remain iconic symbols of Olduvai Gorge’s contribution to the study of human origins. The discoveries not only shed light on ancient species but also highlighted the complex web of evolution that led to modern humans.